martedì 19 luglio 2011

Hyper Touch Guitar featured on international magazines !

Hyper Touch Guitar is gaining continuously success all over the world! I am receiving a lot of requests from international magazines interested in my super techlogical guitar concept.

Images courtesy from: jetset magazine (usa) and illustreret videnskab (denmark)

venerdì 15 luglio 2011

Risott selected for the "Guide pratique des tendences 2012"

The french landscape design studio Chlorosphere has selected Risott for his 2012 trendbook, another confirmation of Givingshape design quality.

martedì 12 luglio 2011

Risott featured on Interni Magazine n.613

Big hit for Givingshape design studio! Risott modular panel this month is featured on Interni Magazine!

n. 613 pag. 23

Thank you very much !